As a speaker, author, and coach for female executives and entrepreneurs in her native Australia, Kemi Nekvapil has spent her career creating a transformative new paradigm for women. With Power: A Woman’s Guide to Living and Leading Without Apology, Kemi has given us a clear-headed and intelligent guide for teaching women to discover, own, and voice their inherent world-changing power. Raised by five sets of foster parents, Kemi grew up believing that she had to constantly prove her worth; she was trained to be grateful, to never ask for more, and to never rock the boat. But over the years she learned to step into her own power, and works tirelessly to help us do the same.
Kemi graced us with a soul-nourishing conversation about worth and courage, and reminds us that “The world does not need busy women, it needs present and powerful women.”
I loved and needed this book, and I think you will love and need it, too.
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